Pathways to Eagle logo  Pathways to Eagle XXXV 
August 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2025
2025 information will be
available after July 1, 2025.  

Registration is now available through our Facebook page.
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To be able to complete a merit badge during Pathways to Eagle the preparation work MUST be completed BEFORE and turned in at the START of the merit badge session.


Due to the shortness of the sessions, teaching is not possible. The Scout needs to have read the merit badge pamphlet BEFORE the session and be prepared for each of the requirements.


The availability of a Merit Badge session will be based on the actual availability of Merit Badge counselors on the day of the event.

The merit badges scheduled to be offered this year include
8 Eagle required and 30 general interest badges.

Eagle Required Merit Badges

General Interest Merit Badges

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The availability of a Merit Badge session will be based on the actual availability of Merit Badge counselors on the day of the event.

To be able to complete a merit badge during Pathways to Eagle the preparation work indicated on the web site MUST be completed BEFORE and turned in at the START of the merit badge session and you MUST bring proof of completion. You must also be able to demonstrate the necessary knowledge for ALL of the requirements. Scouts not completing the merit badge will receive credit for the work they have done and will have to make arrangements with a counselor to complete any remaining requirements at a later date.

Note: The preparation work listed is subject to change at any time. It is based on what the counselor believes needs to be completed before the session starts.

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